Good Day Fellow Herpers This will be the first time the WRHA will have a fun day / braai and hopefully, this will be the first of many. I would like to invite all of you to a Bring and Braai / Fun day for our April meeting / gathering. Date: 20 April 2013 Time: […]
Permit matters and WRHA members
There is one golden rule with regards to permits for indigenous reptiles in Gauteng. This rule is the following: FOR ANY ACTIVITY INVOLVING INDIGENOUS REPTILES, VALID PERMITS FROM GAUTENG NATURE CONSERVATION SHALL BE OBTAINED. All West Rand Herpetological Associations’ (WRHA) members, shall obtain the applicable permit prior to any activity involving indigenous reptiles. Non compliance, […]
African Bush Vipers
West African Bush Viper An attractive viper from tropical West Africa. This viper is a small and makes for an attractive display reptile. Feeds mainly on lizards in the wild and hatchlings can be problem feeders. This viper has a potent hemotoxic venom and bites from West African Bush Vipers have caused human deaths. Usumbara Bush […]
Good Morning Fellow Herpers You are hereby all invited to join the WRHA for our next meeting / gathering: Date: 1 March 2013 Time: 19:15 for 19:30 Venue: Heia Safari Lodge Speaker: Ms. H. Pfeifer Topic: Boa Constrictors… a few aspects We will once again make use of the restaurant facilities at Heia Safari Lodge. […]
After what felt like a long wait the day of our field trip finally arrived. We headed out to Stone Hill Lodge and arrived a few seconds before the gate was opened for us to enter. Our group then moved up to the chalet that was reserved for us. We moved into the field at […]
Types of Snake Venom and their Effects on Humans
Snake venom comes in different types. Different types of venom have different effects on humans. Cytotoxic Venom destroys tissue and causes pain, swelling and eats away at the flesh. Cytotoxic bites vary in potency according to the species of snake, size of the snake and the amount of venom injected. Snakes with cytotoxic venom include most […]
Febuary Field Trip
You are all invited to join us for a field trip at Stone Hill Lodge. There will be no meeting at Heia Safari Lodge for February. Date: 2 February 2013 Time: 7:30 for 8:00 (am) Venue: Stone Hill Lodge We will have a short discussion of what to do and what not. Thereafter, we will […]
African Giant Bull Frog
African giant bullfrogs are native Southern Africa but have a very limited range due to habitat destruction. They are found in rain filled pools in grassland areas. These frogs spend most of their time buried in a cocoon and are only seen during the wet season, which is when they breed. African giant bullfrogs live […]
Gaboon Adder
There are two subspecies of Gaboon Adders ; the East African Gaboon Adder and the West African Gaboon Adder. The East African Gaboon Adder occurs along the east coast of Africa from the upper east coast of South Africa and up into Mozambique. West African Gaboon Adders live in the tropical rainforests of West Africa. […]
Types of Food Snakes Eat
Different species of snake eat different types of prey. Sometimes juvenile snakes will eat different food than adults of the same species e.g Baby White Lipped Tree Vipers eat mainly lizards and frogs, while adults will eat birds and small mammals as well as frogs and lizards. There are many more species of snake that […]