February 2015 Meeting

Dear Fellow Herpers I have the pleasure of inviting you all to the meeting for February 2015. Date: 6 February 2015 Time: 19:15 for 19:30 Venue: Heia Safari Ranch Topic: AGM and Overview of Invasive Species Legislation You are welcome to make use of the restaurant facilities at Heia Safari Ranch.  For directions to Heia Safari, here is a link to their […]

WRHA August Meeting

Dear Fellow Herpers I have the pleasure of inviting you all to the meeting for August 2014. Date: 1 August  2014 Time: 19:15 for 19:30 Venue: Heia Safari Ranch Topic: Komodo Dragons You are welcome to make use of the restaurant facilities at Heia Safari Ranch.  For directions to Heia Safari, here is a link to their website: […]

July Meeting

Dear Fellow Herpers I have the pleasure of inviting you all to the meeting for July 2014. Date: July 4 2014 Time: 19:15 for 19:30 Venue: Heia Safari Ranch Topic: Common Reptile Illnesses You are welcome to make use of the restaurant facilities at Heia Safari Ranch.  For directions to Heia Safari, here is a link to their […]

June Meeting

Dear Fellow Herpers I have the pleasure of inviting you all to the meeting for June 2014. Date: June 6 2014 Time: 19:15 for 19:30 Venue: Heia Safari Ranch Topic: How the permit system works by Samantha from Gauteng Nature Conservation You are welcome to make use of the restaurant facilities at Heia Safari Ranch.  For directions to […]

Field Trip May 17th 2014

We will be having a field trip on Saturday 17th of May instead of a meeting on Friday 2nd of May. Field Trip Details Date: Saturday 17 May 2014 Time: 9:30 am – Mid Afternoon Venue: Hornbill Lodge, Magaliesburg Directions: http://hornbilllodgeandlegendsrestaurant.yolasite.com/directions.php Please wear long pants and closed shoes. Bring along bottled water or cold drinks There […]

Reptile Expo May 2014

This Reptile Expo will be held at Emperors Palace in Johannesburg on the 10th and 11th of May 2014. This is the biggest reptile expo in South Africa and is a fun day out for the whole family.  The Expo is the best place to buy your pet reptiles, reptile products and reptile food. If […]

WRHA April Meeting

Dear Fellow Herpers I have the pleasure of inviting you all to the meeting for April 2014. Date: April 4 2014 Time: 19:15 for 19:30 Venue: Heia Safari Ranch Topic: South African Spiders by Astri Leroy from the Spider Club of Southern Africa You are welcome to make use of the restaurant facilities at Heia Safari Ranch.  For […]

Pretoria Field Trip

Dear Fellow Member Finally, the long awaited email with regards to the field trip in Pretoria. PLEASE NOTE: No member will be allowed without the hard copy of the Indemnity form.  So please make sure that you bring your signed copy with on Saturday morning. We will gather at the Sasol Petrol station on the Cullinan road […]